Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gather & Sing

It was always my intention to have the inaugural post on this blog showcase a band whose music truly excited me. Not the type of general excitement that comes from hearing a song with a good beat or catchy chorus. No, I had my heart set on a band that reminded me of the reasons I love music in the first place. Which leads me to my present offering: Finneyerkes. Finneyerkes is comprised of Matt Finney (spoken word) and Randy Yerkes (instrumentation). Their music is vast and elegant, full of warmth and beauty. Of their three releases, Gather and Sing (whose album art is featured above), is currently my favorite. I say currently because the three albums seem less like discrete works and more like chapters in a book you can't bring yourself to stop reading. Gather and Sing opens with lilting and heartrendingly beautiful guitar work. It is only a couple seconds into the first track when Finney's thoughtful words make their first appearance. Finney is careful and deliberate in his diction. When Yerkes' soundscapes are best left to speak for themselves, Finney allows this, giving the words he does speak added emphasis and import. Finney and Yerkes exhibit true musical cohesion and chemistry. The music would not be nearly as startling and stunning were it not comprised of both members. Gather and Sing is one of the most exciting albums I've listened to in recent memory. So, my challenge to you is this: take your headphones and portable music player and go on a walk at night. Go by yourself and listen to Gather and Sing . . . and try not to be affected. Trust me when I say the odds are against you.
(Gather and Sing is available for free download on Finneyerkes' MySpace page: Do something nice for yourself today and check it out.)

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